SWANA maintains a "Zero Tolerance" policy concerning testing misconduct. We do not
expect anyone to do anything other than honestly present their own work on this
exam. SWANA describes testing misconduct as follows:
- Someone other than the registered examinee taking the exam/test or assisting with
the exam/test
- Accessing study aids (websites, webpages, files, textbooks or notes) not explicitly
- Using mobile devices, PDAs, tablets, smart watches, etc. during the exam/test
- Exceeding the time limit
If it is determined that testing misconduct has occurred, SWANA will void the test
score(s) of the individual(s) involved. The individual(s) involved cannot take any
SWANA Certification Exam for a period of twelve (12) months.
SWANA Exam Service will document the time taken to write your exam and any alleged
misconduct. If you exceed the time limit or testing misconduct occurred, SWANA will
invalidate your test score and inform you by letter. If you feel wrongly accused
of misconduct, you may appeal our decision. All appeals must be submitted in writing
within 10 days of the exam administration. Appeals must state the reason for invalidation
and why you refute the decision. SWANA has the right to prohibit you from taking
any certification exam for a period up to twelve (12) months for documented instances
of testing misconduct.
Mail appeals to:
Certification Board
1100 Wayne Ave.
Suite 650
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Submission of a Single Question
Questions are submitted to the database when you:
- Click the '<< Previous' or 'Next >>' buttons at the bottom of the question. These will also take you to the corresponding question.
- Click the 'Review' button at the bottom of the final question. This will take you to the review page where you can check your answers and submit the exam.
- Navigate to another question by clicking the question number on the left side navigation bar.
- Click the Review and Submit link on the left side navigation bar. This will also take you to the review page.
- Remain on a single question for more than 15 minutes. (Autosave) the navigation bar link will not change colour until you move to another questions.
- NOTE: The colours on the Navigation Bar do not indicate correct or incorrect. Rather, green shows that the question has been answered, and red that it has not.
Final Submission and Review of the Exam
- Navigate to the Review page using the navigation bar link, or the 'Review' button on the last question.
- Verify that all questions are answered - A visual scan of the navigation bar will show any empty answers, but a thorough look through of the exam is recommended if time permits.
- You may navigate back to any question by clicking the "Edit Question #" link or by clicking the question number on the navigation bar.
- When you are satisfied, you may submit the exam by checking the check box and clicking the button at the bottom of the Review page.
- Once submitted, the exam be marked and you will receive feedback immediately.
Error Recovery
In the event that the exam is prevented from proceeding as planned due to circumstances beyond reasonable control (ie. network failure, power failure, emergency at the location of the exam), the proctor must notify the SWANA office immediately. Time allocations will be altered based on the sole discretion and assessment of SWANA.
In the event that an exam has been lost or closed in error, simply return to the login page and log in again as if you were starting fresh. You will be presented with the same exam question set and any questions which were answered that were submitted prior to the interruption will be available for revision. In the worst case scenario, you will only lose the single question you were working on when the interruption occurred. You can verify the current state of the exam by looking at the Question Navigator grid in the left menu.
When you are ready, click to